Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 Graphics Card Melting Defect

Migliaccio & Rathod LLP is currently investigating Nvidia over allegations around a potential Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 Graphics Card Melting Defect. Numerous consumers describe the graphics card overheating, melting, and even causing fires which are reportedly the result of faulty soldering work on the card’s 16-pin connector cable. Some of these consumers have dug deeper into the issue and discovered troubling evidence of flawed inner construction which, they say, is putting people at real risk of harm. Moreover, the flawed connector renders the graphics card unusable and, therefore, completely unable to meet marketed standards.

Have you experienced the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card melting defect?

If so, we would like to hear from you. Please complete our online questionnaire so we may evaluate your potential claims:

If you have additional questions or would like more information, please send an email to [email protected] or call us at (202) 470-3520.

Committed to Consumer Protection

The lawyers at Migliaccio & Rathod LLP have years of experience in class action litigation against large corporations, including in cases involving defective products. More information about our current cases and investigations is available on our blog.