*CLOSED* Buzzard Point Pollution Class Action Investigation


Migliaccio & Rathod LLP is investigating potential legal claims arising from air pollution in the Buzzard Point neighborhood in Southwest Washington D.C. Residents have complained that dust pollution in the area has caused, and aggravated, respiratory health problems as well as compromised the use and enjoyment of their property. Rapid construction efforts in connection with gentrification of the neighborhood – often without concern for the well-being of current residents – stands as a primary culprit for the problems.

Are You a Resident of Buzzard Point?

If so, we would like to speak to you. Please complete the contact form on this page, send us an email at [email protected], or give us a call at (202) 470-3520.

Attorneys Committed to Environmental Justice

The lawyers at Migliaccio & Rathod LLP have years of experience in environmental litigation against large corporations. More information about our current cases and investigations is available on our blog.