Adventist Health Data Breach Investigation

Migliaccio & Rathod is involved in the Adventist Health data breach investigation.

Adventist Health Data Breach Investigation

Migliaccio & Rathod LLP is investigating the Adventist Health Tulare (“Adventist Health”) data breach, a data breach affecting over 70,000  individuals and their personal information.

The Adventist Health Data Breach

The company has not announced when the data breach occurred, but at some point an unauthorized party was able to gain access to Adventist Health’s patient records. This appears to have occurred through Signature Performance, a third-party company that acts as a payment clearinghouse for Adventist. Adventist Health began an investigation as soon as they were informed by Signature Performance of the breach.

The subsequent investigation conducted by the company revealed that the hacker(s) had viewed and/or stolen its consumers personally identifiable information. On June 7, the Adventist Health data breach was announced to consumers. The hospital chain does not appear to have linked their notification of the breach to their homepage, and it is possible consumers may not recognize that they have been a victim if they receive a letter from Signature Performance, a third-party that they have not worked with.

The compromised information appears to differ from patient to patient but almost certainly includes sensitive personal information.

Adventist Health recently began informing individuals of these breaches through a mailed notice letter. All of the information stolen is likely valuable and dangerous to affected victims. In previous data breaches, victims of data theft have noticed identity theft attempts ranging from fraudulent charges on bank accounts or credit cards, to unauthorized credit card applications, to medical services or government services ordered in their name, to their information being posted on the dark web, to a massive uptick in the number of spam text messages, calls and emails received.

There are a number of things that you should do to keep your information safe. Experts at the NCDOJ recommend that you request fraud alerts from the credit bureaus, sign up for credit monitoring, and keep an eye on your accounts. The FTC likewise offers resources for consumers that have been impacted.

What to do if you were impacted by the Adventist Health Data Breach

If you received a notice letter, phone call, email, or any other such notice, we would like to hear from you.  Please complete the contact form on this page, send us an email at [email protected], or give us a call at (202) 470-3520.

The lawyers at Migliaccio & Rathod LLP have years of experience in class action litigation against large corporations, including in cases involving data breaches such as this. More information about our current cases and investigations is available on our blog.

Data Breach Notification