Investigation of D.C. Non-Competes

Migliaccio & Rathod is investigating potential violations of the D.C. Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Act (the “D.C. Act”). A non-compete agreement is a contract or policy that prohibits an employee from performing work for another employer. One example of a non-compete is a contract that prohibits an employee from working for any of an employer’s competitors within 1 year after leaving the employer.

The D.C. Act provides employees in the District of Columbia with broad protections against non-competes. The D.C. Act generally bans non-compete agreements signed after October 1, 2022 for employees who make under $150,000 a year. Employees who have been subjected to unlawful non-compete agreements are entitled to recover damages between $500-$1,000 and potentially more if they have experienced other adverse actions, such as retaliation.

If you are a D.C. employee who believes you have been subjected to an illegal non-compete, we would like to hear from you. Please complete the contact form on this page, send us an email at [email protected], or give us a call at (202) 470-3520.

The lawyers at Migliaccio & Rathod LLP have years of experience in class action litigation against large corporations and dealing with non-competes in D.C. More information about our current cases and investigations are available on our blog.