Migliaccio & Rathod LLP is currently investigating the Sandusky, Michigan-based McKenzie Health System (“McKenzie”) for failing to safeguard sensitive patient information in a data breach that occurred in early March of 2022. An investigation into the data breach found that unauthorized individual not only gained access to McKenzie’s network, but was also able to exfiltrate certain files that contained patients’ highly sensitive protected health information, including the following: names, contact information, demographic information, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, diagnosis and treatment information, prescription information, medical record numbers, provider names, dates of service, and/or health insurance information.
McKenzie only recently began notifying victims of the incident. Due to this lapse in time between the data breach and the notice to affected patients, hackers may have already been able to acquire and sell sensitive information and otherwise benefit from the fraudulent misuse of such information. Some individuals affected by the data breach may have noticed (or may soon notice) one or more of the following types of fraudulent activity related to their personal and health information: unauthorized credit card charges, requests for loans or benefits in a patient’s name without their consent, fake medical procedures ordered, and/or disrupted use of the institution’s website or patient portal.
Are you or have you been a McKenzie Health System patient who recently received a data breach notification letter?
If so, we would like to hear from you. Please complete the contact form on this page, send us an email at [email protected], or give us a call at (202) 470-3520.
The lawyers at Migliaccio & Rathod LLP have years of experience in class action litigation against large corporations, including in cases involving data breaches. More information about our current cases and investigations is available on our blog.